It’s official, friends. My book Restoration House is available for pre-sale now! Whoo, hoo!
I am both elated and terrified at the same time. This book coming available to the masses sends shivers down my spine and gives me all sorts of emotions about the weeks and months to come as each of you have the opportunity to dive into not only my personal story, but the story of how each of us have been given the power to turn our homes into spaces that not only create an atmosphere for others to gather comfortably, but that can also bring healing and restoration.
This story, my story of healing and restoration of how God has used each of our homes to do just that, isn’t just my story. It’s your story too. My hope is that somewhere on this pages you find yourself. I believe you will find yourself in the practicals of how to set a table and prepping a charcuterie board and in the spiritual of how a broken past can be used to bring beauty to the present and collide with the reckoning force of grace and mercy.
Soon, I’ll be writing about how it all came about and how I walked through the writing and publishing process. It’s not for the faint of heart, I can tell ya that.
Until then, I’d love it if you hopped on over to Amazon and pre-ordered the book. It’s a beautiful piece filled with images that make you feel something as well as inspire you to confidently and thoughtfully embrace your story and your own space.