I’ve expressed a bit more lately the gap that many of us (and you) are beginning to see (but not because it just began) in the blogger world where women of color are concerned and some of my thoughts on why it’s 1.) important to recognize 2.) important to talk about 3.) important to change.
The only way to really change anything is to first recognize it. Sometimes I think we get so used to the way things are, we just assume that’s the way they are supposed to be. And sometimes, until someone brings the fact that some things just shouldn’t or aren’t meant to be a certain way, well…we just go along with our dailies unaware of said “things”.
In this case, we’re talking the gap in the blogger + design world that becomes more and more apparent to me as a woman of color the longer I stick around here and make more connections and as my platform expands.
I could formulate all sorts of thoughts and opinions as to why this is a fact but I honestly don’t feel like there’s enough space here nor do I really have the time necessary to truly dig into that conversation enough to bring true education, clarity and revelation to that truth.
@deenaknightinteriors | @sgardnerstyle | @nubiinteriors | @restorationhouse | @therusticlife
@thewinstonfamily | @saralampley | @purposefullybeing | @domicile37 | @euniandco
@steadycatalog | @karenokonkwo | @zimism | @evelynfromtheinternets | @nchanel
@mrserikaward | @justdestinymag | @dwellbycheryl | @nikimcneil | @maraboudesign
@nikishariley | @latonyvette | @jessicarychael | @themeganbaca | @inhonorofdesign
@arielleastoria | @curlsandcouture | @naturallytashag | @hellolaurenash | @themattiejames
@lauratully.co | @napturalnicole | @morgandebaum | @theambralife | @britneyjeanine
@designaddictmom | @afrominimalist | @isabeleats | @purecoliving | @thatschelsea
@boleroadtextiles | @reflextiondesigns | @satoriboutique | @ruthieridley
@morganharpernichols | @jenwithonen | @onceupona1912 | @hooverandgrace
@brandifreely | @grandbabycakes | @thekatrinablair | @mrscraftberrybush | @asaakemi
@thetinycloset | @trumatter | @mauvepaperco | @ghkimphotography | @gracekim
@vequebeauty | @olivecreativeco | @brightcoevents | @artxlagos | @reverielane
@skoopehome | @nikkicadestudio | @simplyshannah | @tactilematter | @floralsymbiosis
@casawatkinsblog | @ourfifthhouse | @juststyling | @afrochic | @kintsugicandleco
@nnekapeters | @ginastovall/@twodaysoffclothing | @jess.colligan | @solsoleilsoul
@brownkids | @saudasaleeminteriors | @almafied | @hearthwood.home | @myfarmhousenest
@nicolegibsonstyle | @cocobassey | @estlouis | @carpediemcollective | @jensane
@thekatrinablair | @thefancycatstudio | @mylene_raspado | @itscarlabethany
@thesteadycatalog | @asiyami_gold | @spiritedpursuit | @brightcoevents | @reverielane
@blueprintafrica | @melindawatts_ | @brunchnista | @travelnoire | @thefourtress
@homeyohmy | @hidayawilliams | @quinngwinn | @rashidabanks | @livelaughdecorate
@iamronnicole | @sweetpotatosoul | @michellemartelathome | @theglovergirl
@freddieharell | @nia_renteria | @prettyrealblog | @xojalyssa | @sitamontgomeryinteriors |
@indigofruit | @phreckles | @jodiepatterson | @mekdesmersha | @tamera.darden
@crwnmag | @dressmyroom | @papermonday | @milknhonee | @ggreneewrites
@matermea | @liveprettyonapenny | @simplylakita | @tania_nyclifestyle
This list is by no means an exhaustive list. I could honestly go on and on and on…and on. But, I figure this is a good start and as you begin to follow these women, you’ll be able to see more and more different aspects and ways that your own feeds are growing as they introduce you to others in their circles and lines of work.
It really is a beautiful thing, friends.
Here are a few thoughts from just a few of those tagged above on the importance of diversity + why it’s important not just as a part of your social media connections but even more so in life, from a few friends :
“I’m a big advocate for diversity, whether in the workplace or socially. Diversity brings a fresh range of perspectives to any collective and dismantles subconscious prejudices. Visible representation for people of color in the creative industry fosters a cultural awareness and human connection to others that is far too often overlooked or misportrayed. -Brandy Brown
“I was fortunate to grow up as a child of a diplomat, we were often exposed to different cultures, environments and people. Our parents efforts truly enabled my siblings and I to view life, and people differently. I feel that following people with feeds that don’t necessarily look like ours gives us glimpse into a different life, something they may not be familiar with, hence opening the door to have those difficult conversations.”
“I think having a diverse feed helps us identify with the “other” to see people regardless of their background like we see ourselves. I also think it’s important to put your money where your mouth is. It’s one thing to say you support people of color, it’s another to support their content and hustles. ”