Ways to Combat Seasonal Affective Disorder and The Winter Blues

woman  styling tabletop decor in living room featuring Jenni Kayne cocoon cardigan

Knowing We’re Not Alone is Half the Battle.

We can find so much strength and encouragement when we realize we aren’t in this thing called life-alone.

I’ve never been diagnosed with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) and honestly, I’ve always rejected the idea that I could even be affected by the change in seasons or the fact that, here in Seattle, the winters can be rough, not only because of the rain but because of the long, dark winter days.

From about the end of November through February the days are pretty grey. In fact, there’s a term that many Seattleites have coined as “The Big Grey” to define this season of long and cloudy days that never seem to end.

This winter season has felt a bit different for me.

I’m pretty sure that the “Big C” combined with some really tough personal traumas that have occured over the past two years have significantly contributed to this feeling of sadness and the blues. I’ve wavered with what it looks like for me to care for myself while attempting to walk through daily life and still maintain some sense of normalcy.

In some ways, I’m sure you can relate to that tension as well.

I’ve found it extremely difficult over this time to stay motivated. Feelings of loss and hopelessness have overwhelmed me and, at times, I’ve felt completely suffocated by worry, fear and doubt.

Where my faith is concerned, I wouldn’t say all is lost. I have surely felt grounded in some of my worst times knowing that I am not alone in all of this. I still have community and a solid group of friends who have walked through what I’ve determined is one of the hardest seasons of my life. They’ve stuck beside me through it ALL. While I haven’t always felt like God is near (hello, Job), I am reminded that He is present and has generously offered the gift of His comfort not only by His Holy Spirit but through the gift of friendship and companionship.

That being said, I am a firm believer, that we not only need faith and scripture and the actual tangible power of the HS but I believe and my experience tells me that it is equally important to combine that with the help of therapists and counselors and their knowledge of how our bodies and brains were created to heal.

I have found over the past two years that, combined with faith, this has become my “secret sauce” so to speak. This strategy has offered me the healing I have so desperately desired and I am continuing to lean into what that looks like for me.

As I journey and as my desires (and levels of energy) ebb and flow, I’ve looked more deeply into ways that I can practically pull myself out of the pit.

This weekend on Instagram I took to my stories to ask some of you if you’re dealing with “the downers” this time of year and, if so, how you’re combating it.

You all SHOWED UP, ok?

I’ve compiled and condensed your responses here and added some of my own to give you some ways that you can add to some of your established routines to create a “no fail” plan to support your mental health in this and future winter seasons.

photography | Anna Peters



GET OUTSIDE | This was one that so many of your shared. Even if only a 20-minute walk, getting out into the fresh air is a great reset for the nervous system and is a proven way to decrease the sad vibes and increase good hormones like dopamine and endorphins.

For those of us in cold, wet or rainy climates, this may not be as easy so the right kind of gear is key. I’ll be sharing more on that specific topic later in a different post but on a very basic level, invest where you can in jackets, coats, sweaters and outerwear that is right for you and where you live.

GARDENING | Indoor or outdoor—it really doesn’t matter. Regardless of which you choose or the climate you live in, there’s not doubt getting your hands dirty—whether with potted plants or outside in the actual garden—is beneficial. I absolutely LOVE gardening mostly because of the spiritual parallels that seem to find their way into pucking, pulling and pruning of new and old growth but also for the physical labor sometimes required.

THERAPY LIGHT OR SAUNA | So many folks mentioned purchasing a therapy light or sauna use saving their lives in this season. I haven’t tried either but have considered the therapy light more heavily over the past few weeks as Seattle sems to get darker and darker.

CANDLES + LIGHTING | I LOVE a good candle. According to most of you in my DM’s this past week, you do too. I have some favorites that I love and I’d suggest finding some that are natural and don’t release dangerous toxins since that can obviously defeat the purpose of healing. There are so many on the market right now that are offered in all sorts of price ranges. Convivial candles happen to be some of my personal favorites as well as Brooklyn Candle Co.

MOVEMENT | This can absolutely be combined with getting outdoors but doesn’t need to be. Movement can look like yoga and stretching in a cozy spot in your home or an indoor treadmill run. Whatever you choose, there’s no doubt that stifled systems lead to anxiety and one sure-fire way to combat the internal wigglies is to get the body moving and those systems flowing. Our adrenals, gut and other systems all benefit from consistent movement.

GET SLEEP | Not just rest. I think most of us understand on a basic level that sleep is necessary to function in our everyday lives but it can still be difficult for us to put that into practice and make the choices we need to make to get the results we desire. Sleep is key and allows our bodies, on a cellular level, to regenerate and replenish. Not only is this important for daily success but this allows us to achieve optimal wellness, overall. I love this book from Dr. Mark Hyman and have put so many of his standards into practice that I’ve found extremely helpful.

GET COZY + WARM | From new blankets and sweaters to fireplace snuggles with a warm beverage, there’s no doubt that adding a bit of cozy to life offers both physical and mental benefits. I can attest to this fact. I like to keep a bundle of cozy blankets in a basket right beside our living room sofa for easy access whether it’s chilly or not ( I tend to run a little cold most of the year anyhow).

EMBRACE THE SEASON | Just like the Earth, our bodies cycle through seasons. We’ve been conditioned more and more these days to believe that we should always be producing and that rest is secondary to work. This could not be further from the truth. The winter brings shorter days and the passing of so many things in nature. I think we can learn a lot and take cues from those things around us and slow down our paces, allow our souls a breather and find rest in this season. When we find that rest, we realize it’s just the way we were meant to operate in this season and that some of the unrest we feel may be connected to the fact that we are fighting against the way we are created to function.

GET A GOOD THERAPIST | I cannot stress this one enough. Whatever your past experiences or traumas may tell you, consider finding someone to aid in the processing of past and present traumas and reframe the things we too often internalize. (spoiler: our past experiences don’t have to define our present or future experiences) Whether it’s covered through your medical insurance, you’re fortunate to pay out of pocket or have to find discounted counseling services (they do exist), you will be thankful you took the opportunity to care for your mental health in this way. We are an entire system in this human body of ours. One thing I have learned is that I can exercise and perform all the self care I want but if I am not taking care of my emotional and mental health, I’m only taking care of half of myself and that is no way to live fully.

GET HONEST ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS | Sometimes it’s hard to go straight to a therapist. That is understandable especially for those of us who aren’t used to opening up to friends and family about how we are affected by the things that happen to or around us. A good place to start is to be honest with yourself and then with a couple of people in your life you’ve found trustworthy. There are so many studies out there that show that vulnerability isn’t just healing to our hearts but that it offers a balm to our soul. It can be scary but—even more frightening sometimes—can be the thought that we have to go at hards things and feelings and thoughts alone. I love what Brene Brown says about vulnerability: “Vulnerability isn’t weakness, it’s our most accurate measure of courage.” I’ve found this to be true. Experience also tells me that vulnerability begets vulnerability. As we open up about our hardships and authentic feelings, we encourage others to do to the same. I’m a pretty big Brene fan. Her book Daring Greatly changed my life and if you’re looking for a mind shift, it may also be helpful for you.

TAKE YOUR VITAMINS | Vitamin D, Magnesium and limiting sugar can help boost mood and decrease inflammation in the body which has been connected to imbalanced hormone levels and depression. Omega 3 supplements and ashwagandha are also mood boosters throughout the year but especially helpful during the winter months. You can find my list of wellness goodies and products I’ve found to be helpful in combating sickness and stay in good health here.

TURN ON THE TUNES | One word: MUSIC. I am a HUGE fan of good sounds and there have been very few days in our home when music isn’t on in the background. We’ve had a SONOS speaker system for a few years now and have added units each year to each room in the house. This isn’t an ad for SONOS but I wouldn’t buy anything else for quality sound and functionality in our home. I’ll just leave that there. Commercial over. Back to sound…like most of the aforementioned, there are dozens of studies that show the effects of sound on the brain and body. For me, it’s always been somewhat of a mood booster. Next time you’re feeling down, turn on the tunes. Classical and jazz happen to be some particular favorites of mine. Here’s a playlist of a mix I shared in my newsletter a while back.

SEASONAL DECOR | We all know our homes and the spaces we live are deeply connected to the way we feel. I know, personally, how much changing out decor in my home can completely shift my mood but a follower suggested that she specifically waits until after Christmas to shift over to “winter decor” that is more neutral and calming not just for the aesthetic, but because it gives her something to put her hands to. I love this idea for the same reason I love gardening or planning what body movement is going to look like on a daily or weekly basis. I think having this or something like this to look forward to can aid in boosting our moods in the best way.

GET SOME REST | Real rest. We are swamped with so many messages telling us otherwise but there are so many reasons we need real rest. In most cases, we have to take it or fight for it. What does rest look like for you? For me, rest can look like a long social media break (sometimes I take weeks to months off the ‘gram) or vegging out with a warm cup of tea on the sofa while I binge my favorite show or movie. Maybe for you it looks like a long vacation in a different city, state or country where you’re able to do absolutely nothing except relax. Whatever it looks like for you, I’d like to encourage you to find it and do so often. There’s nothing like a soul retreat to reset the worry and help put the things that matter back into perspective. They are not mutually exclusive. Our feelings of sadness can oftentimes become compounded by the worries of life and we all know that nothing has ever resolved from worrying about it.

photography | Anna Peters

I hope you found some of those tips helpful and you’re finding your way into better health, learning to love yourself more and more no matter the season and are able to find joy where you can in these undoubtedly hard seasons.

Friends, we’re gonna make it but we'll make it through even better, together.

Tell me in the comments what you’d add to this list or what you found the most helpful.

Be sure to subscribe to the newsletter for alerts on posts like this and for more soulful home i+ life inspiration.

Have an amazing week!



P.S. Here’s a playlist for you to keep you going on those days when you need a bit of a calming boost. Light a candle and let the sounds soothe your soul.


A HUGE thanks to Katie Sarokhanian, for sharing her expertise with us today on the blog. Katie is an artist and interior design lover who lives by the mantra: “your home is your creative canvas”. She is a mom of 5 and has an amazing attention to detail as made apparent below. I am so excited to have her join us over here at Restoration House for a little DIY that just about anyone could tackle in their own home.

I’ve been frustrated with the lack of options for fridges these days. Stainless steel has been reigning at the top of the refrigerator world, and I see why, but I wanted something different. Wish List: 1. High-end look 2. Unique 3.Fits my space 4. Coordinates with the brass and gold in my kitchen 5. Works well and 6. Inexpensive. Sound super attainable, right? 

I found a new matte black refrigerator online that I fell in love with, but it came with a $3k price tag. Since we’re not ready for a total kitchen renovation, I decided to make my own matte black beauty.

One of the most important steps is to find a good stainless steel fridge to “ruin”, of course! I found this one on Craigslist for $200. It was fairly new, the right size, a great brand, and worked perfectly, but had one big scratch on the front and thus the low price. Great candidate for a painted-fridge experiment!

 Here’s the breakdown of how I updated this refrigerator, which included, sanding, priming, painting, and replacing the old handles with new matte brass handles.




Look on the side of the handle and you’ll see a small hole. Grab an allen wrench to loosen the screws, and the handles will come right off! Shockingly simply. If your fridge has a glued-on logo on the front, I also suggest taking that off for a custom look. I popped mine right off using a flat head screwdriver.


It’s WAY easier to install new handles if they’re the same size as the existing holes. There are a wide range of appliance handles that you can purchase that look great, but they’re also expensive, which defeats the purpose of trying to make an affordable update to a used fridge. So, my solution was a towel bar. No, really! I searched on Amazon for something brass with 24” hole-to-hole measurement and found these for $29:


(The ones I bought are out of stock but there are many other gorgeous options, like these.) I also looked at grab bars like these, which might be a good option for your fridge depending on your handle measurements.

Or, of course, you can keep your existing handles and just paint those too!


First, I sanded the metal with a fine sanding block. Next was primer. There are a lot of primers out there made specifically for metal. I usually walk into a Sherwin-Williams store, tell them what I’m doing, and they have great suggestions for the right type of paint and primer to use. That is one option for you and I’m guessing it would work just fine. This time, however, I used something called “self etching primer” instead of the usual metal primer. Self-etching primer is customarily used on automobiles, but I thought I might try it here since at our house, our refrigerator has to withstand loads of abuse and heavy scrubbing. There are a lot of different brands and options online, and you could buy it in a spray can or roll it on. But, make sure to buy a dark-base primer. (I accidentally bought a white tinted primer, which still worked fine but I had to do about 5 top coats of black paint.)


I bought Sherwin-Williams “Emerald” latex paint in a matte finish in Tricorn Black. It looks great! I did about 5 coats on the front using a small foam roller. On the sides of the fridge, which were not stainless steel, I didn’t sand or prime at all. I simply put on two coats of this same paint, which is a paint/primer combo. Mostly that’s because the sides are rarely touched or scrubbed and thus didn’t need to be as durable.



To install my new handles, all I did was follow the mounting instructions that came with the “handle” (towel bar) and screwed right into the exiting anchored hole on the refrigerator door. It was simple and they are now sturdily attached! However, the bottom handle of the fridge was a bit more difficult. After a few days, the handle started to get loose. Why? Because to open the bottom freezer drawer, you have to pull OUT and UP at the same time, which strained the mounting hardware that was designed for a towel bar, not a freezer drawer. My solution was this product called JB Weld. The salesman at Lowes said he once used it to attach a trailer to a broken hitch, so I figured it was strong enough for a handle. I put a dab of the putty between the mounting hardware and the handle and clamped it for an hour or so. So far it has worked great! If you couldn’t find handles that fit your existing screw holes, you could possibly use this same product to attach your new handles. I would still screw right into the refrigerator door, then reinforce the mount with the JB Weld putty.




After attaching the handles, I was done! It took just 3 days to complete due to drying and re-coat times, (and due to the fact that I was slowly moving, 9-months-pregnant lady trying to crawl around and paint a fridge in the middle of the night).

I now have a custom, high-end looking refrigerator instead of the giant, stainless steel BEAST that took up all the visual space in my kitchen, and I couldn’t be more thrilled! Honestly, I prefer the look of this DIY refrigerator to any new models I could buy—at least any new models I could buy that are less than about 8k dollars, if you know what I mean.

 So, if you have the same stainless-steel-hating problem, if you are aching for something creative for your kitchen, and if you’re not afraid of a little paint—give it a try! Someone once told me that you can’t ruin what you already hate, and that gave me the push to not only paint my refrigerator black, but to paint my cabinets pink. Gasp! That was such wise advice. Now I’m passing it along. Get creative my friends, because your home isn’t just your home, it’s your canvas too.


Here are a few questions I got from my Instagram readers that you may also have:

 How do you paint your handles if you want to keep your same handles?

I would suggest a light sand, and using the spray can version of the self-etching primer (assuming your handles are also stainless steel).

Can you paint a fridge that’s not stainless steel?

Sure, why not? I wanted to do it on a stainless steel surface because it would have a much smoother look than the alternative, textured refrigerator surfaces.

How is the paint holding up?

Great so far! It’s been about 6 weeks. I considered putting a matte poly over the topcoat, but since I had a baby the day after I finished this project, I never got around to it. I can guess that it might add an extra layer of protection, and I still might do that someday.

What about that scratch on the refrigerator?

(The original finish had a few minor scratches)

It’s almost completely unnoticeable after painting! So, if you want to give this a try but are afraid to do it on an expensive stainless fridge. Look for an inexpensive one like mine with scratches. Here is a close-up of the scratch in the bottom left corner. (I didn’t attempt to repair or fill the scratch at all.)

Hot Plate Hot Plate.png


Photography | Ryan Flynn Photo for Glitter GuideStyling | Restoration House

Photography | Ryan Flynn Photo for Glitter Guide

Styling | Restoration House

We live in a rental. We can't touch anything in the home we live in. No new flooring, no new cabinetry, no new wall colors-nothing. Now, if you're reading this and you're a creative like me who loves changing the aforementioned more than you change your unmentionables then you understand my plight. Couple that with an architectural design that isn't exactly my own and it COULD be a recipe for disaster. 

As they say, 'necessity is the mother of invention' and Lord knows that necessity has "mothered", "fathered", "uncle'd" and "aunt'd" my desire to have the home we want over the years and taught me how to turn obstacle into opportunity over and over again. After all, it's the whole reason Restoration House exists. 

What does all of this have to do with gallery wall, you ask? I am glad you asked. The one thing I can do in this space and others we have lived in is hang things on the wall and one thing I have been obsessed with over the years is gallery walls. Have I actually given into that obsession? No. 

It's complicated, really. Well, maybe not. The truth is...I have been afraid. Yes, it's true. While I can commit to many things in my life I always find it most difficult to commit to many things when it comes to our home. Whether it's the next piece of furniture we will invest in or light fixtures, I just can't seem to commit, guys. 

A few weeks ago, however, something changed. I discovered this newly found freedom to gather some of our photos, thrift and DIY others and begin the journey of continuing to turn this home, regardless of how temporary, into more of the home we want it to be. 

My hope is that you can turn away after reading this post with more confidence to start your own wall of art and give it the personal touch it needs to uniquely represent your life and, more importantly, your home. 


A gallery wall is a collection of photos or images displayed on one’s walls to highlight special interests from family members to favorite foods. They run the gamut and can be used creatively to express another dimension of a homeowner’s personality or bring out the character in a specific space in a home or a person’s life.

There are lots of different kinds of gallery walls but I’ve divided them into two main categories and within those two, a few different styles can be expressed as you will see below.

For the sake of space and time here, I’ve decided to talk today about the asymmetrical and symmetrical in relation to the alignment of frames on the wall.

I typically lean more toward a symmetrical and “even” way of displaying not just frames but just about everything in my house. I have a need to feel balance and symmetry in just about every part of my home. It just makes me feel grounded and, overall,  good.


Well, technically no one does but what it does in a home is pretty darn amazing. Gallery walls allow for you, as a homeowner and your own personal designer, to reflect and express yourself through the walls of your home. It also allows that expression to be temporary vs. more permanent things like paint color and furniture. I liken this, while perhaps a bit more committal, to things like throw pillows, shelf decor and accessories or accent throws. If you don’t like the way it looks or the pics are too old you just take them down or exchange them for something new or that you like better. Easy peasy.

Except, for me, it’s not been very easy peasy at all. This is where the whole “dilemma” part creeps in and where my Type A brain begins to beg me to make a decision and break things down a bit more so that I can actually take action.

So with that in mind, first up, ASYMETRICAL:

BOHO ECLECTIC via Pottery Barn

BOHO ECLECTIC via Pottery Barn

What I love about this style and the ones I will share throughout this post is that no matter what your personal style may be, you can choose to go with either way of displaying your artwork and photography. For this boho themed space, I love how the wall of frames seems to pull everything together to make it feel more cohesive.

VINTAGE MODERN via Emily Henderson

VINTAGE MODERN via Emily Henderson

Raise your hand if this one is just your fave. Even though the frames have been displayed asymmetrically, the consistent imagery in each of the frames once again gives it a cohesive feel. There’s no doubt that Emily knows just what she is doing here but I love that it’s approachable and something that just about anyone could pull off. How does this translate in your home? Do you love paint by number images or paintings or do you love sunset paintings? Use those as a catalyst to created a themed wall similar to this one.



Okay so I love the calm, cool and clean vibes this one gives. I also love the unique and vintage art that this homeowner uses in the space and that one piece is used a focal to draw the eye in, then move around the display. Because of the choice in colors, there’s also no competition. One isn’t fighting for the attention fo the other, they each complement each other well and I really like that a lot.


MODERN + RUSTICVia Blogger Lena Terlutter


Via Blogger Lena Terlutter

I’m all about the simplicity of this wall and the black and white really does it for me in the sense that, for my eyes, I don’t have to feel like they are all over the place. For my color-loving friends out there, this wouldn’t work for you but I think it’s a great option for people like me who have a hard time deciding what gets to stay in the runnings and what needs to go. In this case, EVERYTHING stays and I like that.

CLASSIC + REFINEDVia Apartment Therapy


Via Apartment Therapy

So, I bet I know what you’re thinking here-that this is not symmetrical. I actually consider this a bit of both and so, in that, the best of both worlds. While the frames are not the same size, the entry of the floating shelves give the illusion that they are. They are all on the same playing field and it kind of tricks the eye into thinking they are the same when they really aren’t. This option is actually one of my most favorites. I love that you can get the feel of both with this option.

CLEAN + SIMPLEVia Chris Loves Juila


Via Chris Loves Juila

Okay, so I’m fickle. Sue me. But, this one is a fave as well. I love this because it’s not fussy, would take about 10 minutes to hang and it’s personal. Speaking of approachable, you won’t get more approachable if you choose to go this route and quite honestly, this is probably the road I will choose to go down. I just love the idea of blowing up big photos of our kids or fam and putting them up on our walls. She used engineer prints for this project which is pretty inexpensive and didn’t even spend a ton on her frames. Saving money? Sign me up for that any day. Also makes hubby happy so there’s that.


  1. Embrace your personal style. In order to do this I guess you need to decide what your personal style is. Spoiler: It doesn’t have to fit into any trendy box. You can even make it up. If you want to call your style “hodgepodge”, then so be it. Let your wall reflect that and roll with it in confidence. If you love it, chances are, everyone else will as well.

  2. Don’t feel the pressure to complete it all at once. I think this is definitely something I need to tell myself over and over again. It’s okay to start with a couple of things you like and build from it. Remember that your home is a story collected over time. A novel. Not Cliff’s Notes, express version of your life. It’s okay to take your time.

  3. Don’t worry about what everyone else is doing. Okay so I understand this one may be a bit confusing since I shared images here and some pretty amazing designers and their way of doing things but that’s just it—we all have our way of doing things. And while I know this sounds eerily close to number one perhaps it bears repeating. I’m definitely talking about design here but I’m pretty sure we could all take this and run full speed ahead into this idea with most other areas of our lives as well. At the end of the day, whether you’re more of a symmetrical girl or like things a little less straight up, just remember to do you. There are lots of areas in your life where considering what someone else would do would be appropriate. This is your home so this isn’t one of those areas. Just have fun with it!

I haven’t come up with a final decision of course but I bet you guys can guess what I’m gonna do. Which of these is YOUR fave? Have you hung pics up for a gallery wall? If so, how in the world did you decide? Would you consider yourself more the symmetrical or the asymmetrical type? Or do you have a way all your own? Do tell.

Until next time, friends,
