So, friends, here we are.

It’s kinda weird to think this is true, but I don’t believe I’ve talked about this at all on my blog. (whoa)

Not once in 13 years of blogging.

That’s a weird feeling. You know, seeing as how I’ve been Black and female for 40 years now. :)

I think there’s a lot to be said for that. Yes, of course, for being 40.

But…Black, female AND 40 AND holding space in an industry dominated by people who beyond don’t look like you? Now THAT is a conversation to be had.



For this part of my story, I’d like to share something that I experienced recently:

After a few months of touring for Restoration House Book this summer through the fall, I was invited by Myquillyn (@thenester) to join her and other talented authors at her place in NC for Nest Fest this October. We had a ball. Her barn and property was filled to the brim with folks who have invested in her original mantra “It Doesn’t Have to be Perfect to be Beautiful”. I was in awe of not only their dedication and love for her, but her ability to shower each of us as the host with such grace and hospitality was truly a sight to behold.

As I was prepping for my time to sign books in the barn, I could feel the anxiety and tension rising. I said a quick semi-silent prayer with my friend who was supporting me over the weekend (shoutout to Alexandra for being amazing) and took a deep breath as the doors opened and the crowd flowed in.

“Would anyone come to my table or will I have enough people who know me or even care about the message of this book to fill this time of signing?”, I thought to myself.

As I begin to shift my focus from me to the women who’d traveled from far and near to talk to me, have their books signed and laugh (and even receive a word of encouragement) with me I found myself caught up in conversation with one woman whom I’d complimented because of something cool she was wearing.

As we small-talked and chatted a bit (something I’m actually not that great at—hello, enneagram 8), I noticed the woman beside her flipping through my book. What I noticed even more is that as she flipped, she took momentary breaks to just, well…look at me. These weren’t just flippant looks. Her gaze felt as though it would burn a hole right into the center of my soul.

I did my best to remain engaged in the conversation but I became so heavily distracted by the increasingly frequent glances.

As our exchange came to a close, I directed my attention to her friend.

I awkwardly introduced myself by first and last name and asked for hers.

After our hurried introductions, she leaned in with both hands supporting her weight on the table between the two of us and said, “You know, I just need to tell you how encouraging and impactful it is for me (a white woman) to see a woman of color taking up space in the way that you do in what is and has really been a ‘white woman’s sport’. “ (Where are those bulging eye emoji’s when you need ‘em?)

Friends, I’d love to say that I took that as a compliment, thanked her, signed her book and moved on but I didn’t. In fact, I did quite the opposite.

As much as my brain told me to hold back my heart just would not allow it. I burst out into the ugliest ugly cry you’ve ever seen.

As tears began to stream down my cheeks (and Alexandra’s as well), I began to express my gratitude for her acknowledgment and communicated to her how deeply impactful her words were for me.

I can’t say that I’d never processed this emotion before. Sure, I had. I’d likely even pumped and psyched myself up on that very day before even arriving because TBH, as a WOC in predominantly white spaces, that’s what we do. Always. Before Trump or #blacklivesmatter or any other hashtag, it’s what we have done.

It’s a strange thing to confess that, in that moment, I felt more than seen. I felt understood. I felt, for the first time, that someone in this world of home and design chose to acknowledge the reality of the world that many within the industry lived in silently for decades.


Another “TBH moment”? I’ve spent my entire life minus a few years when we lived in Tampa, FL during our time in the military, as the only ‘one’. From kindergarten to high school, in and out of friends circles, you’d find me entrenched and steeped in all things deemed culturally “white” and, if I’m honest, I was a bit proud of it. I considered myself “gifted” as it pertained to my ability to vacillate between my majority black friend groups to showing off my ability to know and sing all the lyrics to just about any Pearl Jam, Red Hot Chili Peppers or Nirvana song. That was a bonus. This was a crown I wore with pride until I realized there was a name for it (code switching) and that it could lead to horrible emotional and mental effects after years of practicing these acts of mostly unknown self-betrayals. It wasn’t that I didn’t like these things but the heart behind why I chose to prove my loyalty or worth in many ways is wrong for so many reasons. End disclosure.

Over the past couple of years I’ve felt more and more of a push to lean into this conversation here and throughout other social media platforms-particularly Instagram. I have witnessed an overwhelming response from women (mostly white) who seem to be taking a simultaneously collective sigh that says, “We’ve wanted to talk about these hard things but we haven’t known where or how.”

When speaking of diversity in design for Business of Fashion, Steven Kolb recently said this:

“I think we can just assume from the start that there's challenges for people of colour in the industry,” said Steven Kolb, president and chief executive of the Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA). “We need to make that a starting point and really focus on how we can improve as an industry.”

While Kolb is speaking of Black designers in fashion, I bring this point to the conversation because I believe that there is something very much infallible and indisputable about what he is saying in that quote. In order to grow in this area we must first recognize that it is an issue in the first place. We must see the significance and importance in living differently, then choose to be intentional about and focus on shifting ideas and mindsets that have empowered systems and structures to have hold for far too long.

Practically, this may begin with you walking into historically, predominantly white spaces and asking some questions. Questions like, “What can I do to change it?” or “How can I use my privilege in this space to bring attention to the lack of and need for a more diverse scope of perspectives, visuals and thoughts in this space?” are a great place to begin. Taking this beyond the area of design and blogging and into the life of the average person, you may also find it helpful to ask how you can personally become an integral part of building this conversation or how you may have backed away from opportunities to speak up about it when given space to do so in the past. How can you begin to make changes? This is what moving past “I’m not racist” and into what being “anti-racist” looks like.

It is not lost on me that even the mention of the words race or racist or racism may cause anxiety in even the most steady. Ultimately, while I understand that this may be a difficult topic to broach for many, I also believe that for far too long we’ve allowed culture and tradition to define and shape how we approach this topic; ultimately turning it into something taboo. My desire is that, through shared experienced and collective stories, it will become an intriguing and more sought after conversation than before. I believe that we have the power to swing the pendulum in an entirely different, positive direction.



With that being said, here are a few things you can do to cause a shift and begin to see some changes in your own life:

  • DIVERSIFY YOUR FEED. I know. This one sounds a bit trite but the truth is that as long as things all look the same in your digital world and life, they will stay the same. If your feed and life is full of people that look like you, doing things just like you then it’s time to change that. Variety is truly the spice of life. I recently spoke with a friend about this. There are very few areas in our lives that we choose to have things remain stagnant or the same. There are even fewer areas where where we’d make a conscious decision to stick to things that don’t inspire, enlighten or invigorate us. This area should be no different. Diversity is more than just filling spaces with people who don’t look like you it’s giving them the power to own their story and tell it in their unique way. Choosing to integrate other cultures and perspectives allows you the opportunity to see and hear a different message than what is being offered many times via mainstream outlets AND you have control over the curation of that message. Now, who doesn’t want that? To get started, I wrote a little something about 100 of my favorite WOC to follow here.

  • READ + LOOK AT GOOD THINGS. There’s a host of amazing resources out there from books and organizations to podcasts and other online resources. I think beyond those, asking yourself a few questions about some lies you may have believed and how you may be able to reshape those, is helpful. This is not work meant to do alone. In the second part of these conversations after the holidays, I’ll provide a list of books and other resources that I have found helpful along this journey but to begin, two of my current faves are The Color of Law and How to be Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi. I suggest reading both.

  • ASK THE HARD QUESTIONS. Fight the urge to keep quiet when an opportunity arises to gain clarity on a topic re: to race. If you don’t have friends you feel safe asking, sometimes it is okay to seek out and connect with people that you may not know very well. (If you are part of an online community, this approach may work well) Remember to be respectful and that it is your responsibility to understand and gain knowledge about the things you do not understand. Let Google become your bestie. If you are having a conversation with someone you may not know well, you should always approach with verbal recognition of the sensitivity of the matter. Be forewarned, not everyone will be receptive of this course of action. Authenticity and sincerity will take you FAR. I’ve had hundreds of people reach out via direct messaging on Instagram with all sorts of thoughts, questions and stories on this topic and VERY FEW of them have been offensive to me. I can smell a pot stirrer a mile away and nothing will shut a conversation down faster than someone who’s NOT looking for restoration, resolution or reconciliation but to rather prove their point or protect their pride or image. When we choose to ask those questions, many things happen. Among those, freedom, understanding and growth. For both sides. This is and always should be the goal.

I don’t know where this year will take me but I know that my work here is not done. I am excited to continue using these platforms to have real, honest and direct conversations about some really hard things. I am committed to the undoing and reshaping and I am inviting you to join me.



I can’t wait to hear your thoughts on this friends. Leave them in the comments below!





FIRST THINGS, FIRST | I feel the need to begin this conversation with an acknowledgement. I understand that this discussion about perfectionism and lists and Type-A personalities could likely come across as demeaning or condescending or that I think one is better than the other. Today, I will chat a bit with you about my side of this struggle and strength and how God has used it to reveal His truths in me, about me and “walked” me through some unexpected revelations along the way.

Recently, I had an online conversation with a friend about lists and practical ways to prioritize the day to get stuff done. I could feel the defensiveness rising in me as I simultaneously shrank in shame recounting how I’d allowed my own insecurities and need for perfection to hold me captive in my mind and ultimately in my own life.

If you’re a list maker who finds joy in checking things off or the order of the day, I admire you. Some days I want to be (like) you.

Most days, that’s just not me.

Often times, I find myself struggling to complete even the smallest tasks and sometimes have a hard time figuring out what should be priority in my day which is really a hard thing for me to confess here yet here I am, hoping someone finds solidarity in my vulnerability.


I’ve not always been this way. This battle between done or perfect hasn’t always been my lot. I think the compoundings of life and responsibilities in some way has only complicated the root of all of this. (…and some of the moms out there said, “amen!”)

I used to call myself (quite proudly might I add) a perfectionist. I don’t know, I think back then it had such a different meaning? No? Well, I digress.

I took pride in the fact that I got things done and that when I did, they were done “just so”. You know, perfectly. I also touted and ‘blessed’ the name of others who did the same. I resisted any idea that this mindset controlled everything I did. The attachment to this ideal became so big that it began to control my ability to see that it had completely overtaken me in the first place. In every way it demanded more attention, more praise from people and those around me in every way and before I knew it, it had completely taken over.

As it required more and more of my brain space and time, it also stifled in me any motivation that I may have had to move forward to accomplish said goal. It kept me from doing the things that my heart set out to do which, in turn, caused me to procrastinate. I became terrified to act on anything for fear of doing things wrong or not reaching the level of perfect that I’d had in mind. Relate?

Enter in, a couple of years ago when I finally decided that I was tired of feeling stuck and that I was depending mostly on myself to get the job done. In all honesty, I was completely exhausted.

I think I could spend a ton of time breaking all of this down and expounding in so many areas but the fact of the matter here is that I just want us to take a collective sigh of relief together in this very moment.

If you struggle or have ever struggled with the idea of not being enough to the point of paralyzation, you have a friend in me. More importantly, you have a friend in Him. I think this is a topic that I will come back to over and over again here because (duh) my human tendencies forever beckon to me to seek and find shelter and solace in myself but my spirit cries out for more. Deep inside I know that there is more to life than this false sense of perfection that we all struggle with from time to time. What we really need is an ability to learn to rest in Him, no matter the fastball life may swing our way and no matter what the circumstances in front of us attempt to tell us.

Everything we may ever need and every sense of feeling valued will always and only be found in Him. There is a deep intimacy that we find when we realize that He is The Great Perfector. There is an eternally overwhelming peace that hovers when we know that, there is a release and a freedom that we can only experience and know when we lean into Him and that truth.

May we carry this one simple truth this week when rushing through tasks and through our day:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.

John 15:5

In light of that, here are three ways I am seeing my way through those times when I struggle most with getting ahead of myself or allowing my shallow idea of perfection to overwhelm and stifle me.



  1. YOU ARE A PART—NOT THE WHOLE. I believe one of the things that has helped me the most is recognizing that I am only part of the story—that the weight of the world or even more, a project, isn’t on my shoulders, alone. Even if it actually is a solo project and I am feeling overwhelmed I can take a moment to shift my thoughts to the One who sees and knows far more than I. Practically, that may look like

  2. STAY FOCUSED. I know. It sounds so easy, right? How do we walk this out, practically? The passage (above) reads “If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit.” I don’t think remaining in him is always this easy thing to do and what does it actually mean anyhow? For me, remaining in him is more than quiet time in the morning or church on Sundays, it’s allowing his voice and his presence to infiltrate my moments. The fruit of that isn’t always immediately tangible but I experience a moment by moment and daily sense of his peace which brings stability to every fiber of my being. I am then making the choice to not be overcome by what I see but to be continually transformed in those moment BY Him. Sometimes, peace is just the fruit this weary body and mind need.

  3. YOU ARE NOT ALONE. “Apart from me, you can do nothing.” Honestly, it’s a pretty powerful statement and one that we can take to the bank. Of course, you can totally choose to do many things without help from anyone or from him but if we take a step back and look at our humanity, what we’ve been created for and to do, we will see that we are much more powerful when we are IN Him and connecting our passions and purpose to him using it to empower and bring out the best in others around us. Taking note from the first tip above, we are a part of a much bigger picture, you and I, and we have so much to give

The source of everything in our lives is a direct parallel to all He has already done. May we rest in that this week knowing that He has gone before us. Let’s continue this conversation, friends. It’s one I will, no doubt, need to revisit over and over again.

xo ,


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Name | Grace Kim

Number of Years as Business Owner | My husband, Hun and I started GH Kim Photography 15 years ago and Carpe Diem Collective was started 4 years ago with almost a 3 year pause to take care of family. I just relaunched with a new space this past December!

Name of Business | Carpe Diem Collective, GH Kim Photography

Social Media Handle(s) | @gracekimco, @carpediemcollective @ghkimphotography

Where does the name Carpe Diem come from?

Carpe Diem means to seize the day in Latin. It's a motto that my late brother and I both shared together (we even have a sticker picture together with that phrase on it). After he passed away (yesterday was his anniversary coincidentally), it all became even more poignant. When I knew I wanted to start another venture, the name was the first thing that came to mind with absolute surety as he is my inspiration to seize life to the fullest each day.


What do you love most about being the owner of Carpe Diem?

I love creating and I love people. I have an unshakeable passion to encourage and inspire people to live a meaningful and beautiful life, hence my not letting go of this even after a long hiatus. And Carpe Diem is just one of the ways to bring all of that together. The smiles, the laughter, the inspiration, the aha moments, the sense of accomplishment, the hugs... I love it all.

image | GH Kim Photography

image | GH Kim Photography

Here at Restoration House we love the idea of using our gifts and talents through business to create connection and community with others. Would you say community is something that has shaped the way you do business and live life in general?

I was lucky enough to be a part of different pockets of community growing up, but even so, I personally didn't have many people in my life that were geared towards or interested in the same things that I was, so I found myself spending most of my time listening to all kinds of people in those different communities and learning about them. And through that, empathy is the most important skill that I developed which definitely shapes the way that I do business and live life. But of course I also have my close-knit community of the bestest friends anyone could ask for, who have also shaped me with their love, care, encouragement, and support.

image | GH Kim Photography

image | GH Kim Photography

How would you say you foster community through the Collective?

One of the main ways is that I get to create beautiful and intentional experiences for people to gather together. And during our workshops particularly, we start out by going around the room and answering a question to get to know a little bit about each other. It's important to me that we have an element of digging a little deeper and sparking connection. It's always so good to see bonding during our collectives and also new friendships develop. Another element is giving opportunities for the artists/makers/creatives to come out of what is usually solo time in an independent industry to use their gifts/talents while interacting with people as well. Meeting up in real life is more and more of a challenge these days, so I'm constantly thinking of different ways to encourage it.

How did relationship and community play a part in your life growing up?

I was a PK (pastor's kid) and my family moved around a lot so it was even more important to engage in community. Life can be hard and it can be a lonely world out there. It's so easy to isolate ourselves, but we're all on this earth together for a reason, to help each other and learn from each other. Even as an adult and as an introvert, it's always been important for me to be intentional in surrounding myself with people. I truly believe that our lives have more meaning, purpose, and joy when we are in community.

What are your dreams for Carpe Diem?

How much space do I have on here? ;) Make an app, write a book, produce videos again, get a bigger space eventually to provide even more opportunities for connection and creativity, be able to financially support others with their own dreams, the list goes on. Having said that, I am very thankful and don't take it lightly that I'm living out one of my dreams of having my own space - right here right now. It was a dream that I've had for so long that I don't want to get too ahead of myself and I'm really focusing on being faithful with what I have in front of me and I know that God will bring the right opportunities in the right timing.

Thanks so much to Grace for sharing with us today! For more info on Carpe Diem visit them here. For the day to day dose of creativity and inspiration you can find them in Instagram here.

If you love this be sure to leave a comment or share some of your favorite business owners who share a heart for community and connection in your neck of the woods!

